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Gospel Encounter Missions is passionate about seeing the Church rise up in the area of evangelism. It is no longer going to be one person leading millions to Christ but millions reaching one soul for Christ. This idea means that it is every Christians responsibility to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. We believe this takes place by knowing Jesus and making Jesus known. We want to know Jesus personally and the more we begin to know Him, the more we will fall in love with Him. As we know and love Him more, we will proclaim Him more. 

At Gospel Encounter, our focus is in four major areas. We focus on citywide outreaches, lifestyle evangelism trainings, our 6 month missional internship, and our yearly impact trips. Explore more details of these areas by clicking on the images below.

City-wide Outreaches 
Lifestyle Evangelism Training
Six month missional Internship
Impact Trip
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