Let's Partner

God has given us the opportunity to purchase a three-bedroom two bath house on five acres of land. There are two two-car garages with utility hookups already in place for the next building. This will be a place for the next generation to be fully immersed in knowing Jesus and making Jesus known. The sellers approached us to give us the first chance at the property. When they called, my spirit leaped for joy. Shauna and I have prayed for this property for the last 13 years. We admitted we didn’t have the money but that if they would work with us we would move forward in faith as we prayed and sought God. After God provided the building for the Gospel Encounter Headquarters, it was confirmation to begin to believe for this property next door. God has given us a clear vision, and we are moving forward in faith. We will raise up spiritual sons and daughters and launch them out as arrows into the world.
At Gospel Encounter, we're committed to raising up the next generation of young people as passionate carriers of the gospel message. All the training we have done with churches and organizations over the years is coming together in a 6-month discipleship school. This is a space where we can host missional interns to be fully immersed in discipleship and outreach initiatives. The Discipleship House is a place where our students will live for the duration of the evangelism internship. This experience will be more intimate than a program that focuses on a classroom setting. This is hands-on learning and mentoring every step of the way. We aren’t just coaches or teachers raising up students. Participants will live and do life with Shauna and me, and our team. We want to equip people who are burning for souls through hands-on outreach experiences so they are equipped to answer the calling of God on their lives to bring in the end-time harvest.
This property is conveniently located directly behind the Gospel Encounter headquarters. For us to purchase the property, we are looking to raise $155,000. We know that God is faithful, and He is already providing in many ways. We have raised $75,000 toward the house. We aim to raise another $80,000 in the next two months.
We would ask that you would consider helping us meet our goal. By sowing a “special gift” into the Discipleship House, you are helping raise up the next generation to be passionate about serving the Kingdom and evangelizing to the lost. We believe this kind of ministry is vital in turning America back to God by raising up genuine disciples.