Frequently asked questions
What should I wear?
Most wear jeans and a t-shirt. Some wear dresses and others wear button-down shirts. The bottom-line is that we want you to be comfortable.
What kind of music do you sing?
We sings songs that are best known as "contemporary" Christian music. We allow for freedom in our worship services. This means that you are welcome to raise your hands, dance around, sit still, or pray. We want you to worship Jesus in a way that is fitting for you.
Have other questions?
Email: info@gospelencounter.com
Will I be asked to give money?
We will recieve an offering during Sunday service. We do not expect our guest to give. If you decide to make Gospel Encounter your home church, we believe that giving to God and the church is the biblical thing to do as a part of the family.
How long are services?
Sunday morning service last from 10:30 to roughly 12-12:30. We believe in following the Holy Spirit in whatever He wants to do. Sometimes, this means we have extended worship time.