Gospel Encounter Engage Conference
Friday and Saturday
September 12th and 13th 2025
We must respond to the growing need for the gospel to be shared in this generation.
How will you respond? Lets gather and mobilize a generation into their missional calling to reach every high school, university, neighborhood and community around the world with the gospel. It starts with you today right where you are.
Join up with like minded believers to be equipped to take the gospel to your community. The third Annual Gospel Encounter Engage Conference is designed to:
Empower you to share the gospel
Give you tools to reach your community
Join a regional community of soul winners
Call you deeper and bolder
Commission the next generation
Expose you to the possibilities of your yes
God has called you to reach your community with the gospel. You carry the hope that the lost are seeking. We are calling all Christians to come to be a part of the Gospel Encounter movement. Come gather to be equipped to share the gospel in powerful and effective ways. Together we can reach the lost and make disciples in every community in our region. The time is now, the harvest is ready, and you are the one who is called to reach this generation.
Register below!!!!
To Be Announced